Pending approval


Ellena S.p.A.Germany - France - KSA
Giorgi Getsadze
Pending approval


Giorgi Getsadze
Pending approvalProposted By Ellena S.p.A. Product

Additive Manufacturing

MORE (value) with LESS (components/material)

Looking to the future enhancing over 80 years of know-how in the field of precision mechanics.

Integration of innovative technologies, verticalization towards the source (fusion), in order to provide a service complete with optimized products which are patented by us.

Today, Additive Manufacturing market is careless of post processing phases, it is rare to see the two processes working in synergy. That is why Ellena thought about a process that realize technical solutions (re-design, merging of different parts) made through Additive Manufacturing, to simplify assembly and mechanical finishing for our customers.

A component made through Additive has to, 8 out of 10 cases, be subjected to post processing machining phases and/or assembly. Ellena studies the component with an eye to the following steps of Additive, adding value and optimization.

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