Facchinetti S.r.l.


Today, Facchinetti Srl is one of the world’s benchmarks for the design and manufacture of cutting machines for the cheese industry.

“A Shortcut to the future” is our new pay-off that brings to mind one of the signature features of our company, a strength we have built up over almost half a century of history: offering the best of technology to companies that already want one foot in the future!

Our company was founded in 1975 by Teresiano Facchinetti in the Novara area, a choice that was not accidental. In fact, taking advantage of the presence in the same geographical area of the biggest gorgonzola producers, Facchinetti developed its first machines for piercing and salting this traditional cheese, soon becoming a leader in the gorgonzola machine sector, for which he filed a number of patents.

In the 1980s, Facchinetti Srl broadened its scope, developing new cutting machine projects for fresh, mature and semi-mature cheeses.

In the following decade, the company embarked on an important internationalisation strategy with the entry into the company of Silvia Facchinetti, the founder’s daughter, who set up a comprehensive network of partnerships with foreign operators won over by our Italian made products. The result? products. The result? Today Facchinetti is synonymous worldwide for quality, flexibility and technology.

Alessio Destefanis

Sales Manager

Alessio Destefanis
Mariam Sharman


Mariam Sharman
Giorgi Getsadze


Giorgi Getsadze
New Company on Xpylon
Facchinetti S.r.l.

Facchinetti S.r.l. (Germany)

Today, Facchinetti Srl is one of the world’s benchmarks for the design and manufacture of cutting machines for the cheese industry. “A Shortcut to the future” is our new pay-off...

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